// Check for process RDCMan in "FunkyDomain"
| where AccountDomain == "FunkyDomain"
| where FileName has "RDCMan"
Failed logins in Azure
// Failed logins to Azure, timechart
| where TimeGenerated > ago(14d)
| where ResultType in ("50126", "50053" , "50055", "50056")
// 50053 Account is locked because the user tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password.
// 50055 Invalid password, entered expired password.
// 50056 Invalid or null password - Password does not exist in store for this user.
// 50126 Invalid username or password, or invalid on-premises username or password.
| summarize Count=count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
| render timechart
// Failed logins to Azure, Table
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| where ResultType in ("50126", "50053" , "50055", "50056")
// 50053 Account is locked because the user tried to sign in too many times with an incorrect user ID or password.
// 50055 Invalid password, entered expired password.
// 50056 Invalid or null password - Password does not exist in store for this user.
// 50126 Invalid username or password, or invalid on-premises username or password.
| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, ResultType , AppDisplayName, Location, IPAddress, AuthenticationRequirement, ConditionalAccessStatus, ConditionalAccessPolicies, IsInteractive, UserAgent
Finding changed permissions in a sharepoint site
// Finding changes in permissions on sharepoint sites
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
// Looks for workload SharePoint
| where OfficeWorkload has "SharePoint"
// Find objects where the "url" contains test
| where OfficeObjectId has "test"
| where RecordType == "SharePointSharingOperation"
| where Operation == "AddedToGroup"
| project TimeGenerated, RecordType, Operation, ['AddedBy']=UserId, Site_Url, ['TargetUser']=TargetUserOrGroupName, ['Group']=Event_Data
Sentinel Table Growth
Takes all tables into account
// Table Growth
// https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-observability/log-analytics-table-growth/m-p/1024814
// Add respective tables from wildcard search into tt
// withsource=
union withsource = tt *
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(31d)
// Source = tt sets column Source to the table name
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1d), Source=tt
| render timechart title = "Monthly growth"
Takes only SecurityEvent and Signinlogs into account
// https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-observability/log-analytics-table-growth/m-p/1024814
// Add respective tables from wildcard search into tt
// withsource=
union withsource = tt SecurityEvent, SigninLogs
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(31d)
// Source = tt sets column Source to the table name
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated,1d), Source=tt
| render timechart title = "Monthly growth"
Find computer/user who connected to an IP
| where RemoteIP == ""
| sort by TimeGenerated
Extracting applocker events
| where Channel has "Applocker"
| where EventID == "8004"
| extend xmlData=parse_xml(EventData)
| extend xmlDataDetails=xmlData.UserData.RuleAndFileData
| extend xmlPolicyName=xmlDataDetails.PolicyName, xmlRuleName=xmlDataDetails.RuleName
| project-away xmlData,xmlDataDetails, EventData
| extend User=extract_all(@"([A-Z]*\.[A-Z]*)",FilePath)[0], Executeable=extract_all(@"([A-Z]*\.[A-Z]*)",FilePath)[1]
Finding sysmonlogs
// Finding sysmon logs
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| where EventSourceName == "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
Finding SMBv1 audit data (if you have enabled auditing!)
//SMBv1 data
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where Channel == "Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer/Audit"
| extend xmlData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend xmlClientName=xmlData.EventData.Data.["#text"]
| project-away xmlData
MDE billable data
This should (I think) all Microsoft Defender for Endpoint/Server related tables - may be wrong...
// MDE billable device data
union withsource = tt Device*
| where _IsBillable == true
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
| extend computerName = tolower(tostring(split(DeviceName, '.')[0]))
| summarize GBytes=sum(_BilledSize) /1024/1024/1024 by computerName | sort by GBytes nulls last
Find all wifi SSID names people have connected to
For fun...
// list all network names
| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
// Not neccesary but if you have devicegroups for clients and want to narrow down your search..
//| where MachineGroup has "My Client Devices"
| where NetworkAdapterStatus == "Up"
| where isnotempty(IPv4Dhcp)
| extend NetworkName = tostring(parse_json(ConnectedNetworks)[0].Name)
| extend IsConnectedToInternet = tostring(parse_json(ConnectedNetworks)[0].IsConnectedToInternet)
| mv-expand DnsAddresses
| distinct NetworkName